Thursday, August 19, 2010

How about a new party ?

This nonsense that the government is the problem is pure nonsense. Have you bothered to ask yourself how they got there. Well you know the answer, they were elected by you and me. The trouble is there are not enough of us voting. We represent less than half of those eligible to vote. And all too often our vote is not as informed as it should be. We do not take the trouble to become familiar with the issues and problems facing our local scene as well as the national scene. Too many votes in a sence are for sale to the highest bidder.
Our tea party croud make a lot of noise and damn little sense. Lowering taxes. Great idea except there is is no free lunch. I would like to ask these well meaning folks to witness the results with no money coming into the coffers. Little or no police protection, fewer fireman, fewer social workers.and teachers.As for our business community we can trust them to do a better job than government. NO Regulations. You think the last scare was bad well you "ain't seen nothing yet ". Give greed a free hand and see where it takes us.
The long and and short of it is we can have a better society if people would simply thing in terms of the greater well being of our country and the world and less of our oun purely personaland selfish needs.
Query ? Is this acheivable. I don't know, probably not but I sure as hell think it's something worth shooting for.
The climate we live in S...s. Let's try to do something about it. I'm thinking that I would like start a new party. Not sure of what to call it yet. Any suggestions.
18 Aug. 2010

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I know it sounds Utopian, Crazy, it could never happen

Have we paused to consider how much money is spent in America today for campaign financing ? We are talking billions a lot of them. Think of the hungry that could be fed, or the dent it would make in the deficit.
The late Sen. Bill Proxmire served in the Senate for a long spell and then retired. He did no fund raising for his campaigns.
Yes the thought comes to mind that this opens the door for only the very wealthy to run.And it's likely that some powerful lobby groups would still kick in money for a particular candidate. True but if we required complete transparency the voter would at least know where the money is coming from.
This sort of change is not gong to occur overnight, but it would be a change for the better. Let's face it, the course we are on now can prove fatal to our nation.
Would appreciate your thoughts on the question.